
Posts Tagged ‘Cooking’


In Ordinary on January 24, 2011 at 10:57 pm
Peanut butter blossoms closeup.

Image via Wikipedia

Today is National Peanut Butter Day, and it’s also National Compliment Day!

I have to say, I never have enough peanut butter, and I don’t think anyone could get too many compliments. Well… you can… as long as they don’t go to your head too much!

My uses for peanut butter are endless, really. This photo shows one very decadent cookie I make… it’s a peanut butter cookie that you bake in a mini muffin pan, then as soon as you take the cookies out of the oven you smoosh a miniature peanut butter cup in the middle. They have about a trillion calories, but they’re gooood! Other treats my family likes are peanut butter fudge, chocolate peanut butter no-bake cookies, banana peanut butter smoothies, and I myself love to eat super-chunky peanut butter straight out of the jar!

Then of course there’s the world’s most perfect food – Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I can remember in the late 1960s, my friend Lois and I would each take a dollar and buy Reese’s, then eat them all. I think we got 10 for a dollar. And hey… back then we went outside and played ALL the time. We could eat pretty  much whatever we wanted and there weren’t any fat kids! Well, not very many.

Miya says I’m grumpy because I hate snow. I don’t hate it… I just don’t like it! I think January has to be the grumpiest month of the year. Maybe since it’s National Compliment Day I should have thought of good things about snow. Trouble is, I just can’t think of any!


In Ordinary on January 16, 2011 at 8:41 pm

A fairly quiet Sunday at home today. I helped Miya build a fort in the family room. We shoved a lot of furniture together and topped it off with a pretty royal looking canopy draped over the entire affair.

I have a kitty curled up right next to me, taking a nap. On her back, looking very cute! Too bad my camera battery is currently dead as a doornail.

I baked banana bread today and Miya proclaimed it the best banana bread, ever!

I tried to grab a photo of Niki’s engagement ring off her blog, but so far it hasn’t worked. Maybe I’ll try a screen shot and post it tomorrow.

Happy Monday (tomorrow) everybody!



In Ordinary on January 11, 2011 at 9:52 pm

First of all, let me say I’m one of those dorks who really like it when the date its something like this (all 1’s). No point really, I just thought I’d share that.

We got twelve inches of snow so school was cancelled today. It was a nice qiet relaxing day. We walked uptown to the grocery store… which was VERY cold!! But, we needed a few groceries, so you do what you gotta do.

I’ll have to confess my kitchen disaster. I was making peanut butter fudge, and through a mixup put in flour instead of powdered sugar. Blech. Then I got the bright idea that I would try to make it into a pie crust. I pressed it into a pie pan, and chilled it overnight. Today I baked the crust and filled it with chocolate pudding… because I didn’t want to put in a super-awesome filling if the crust was going to be mediocre.

I liked it. Miya hated it. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything though… remember, Miya only likes food that’s white.

Watching a marathon of of The Green Hornet. We’re at the last episode, and it’s almost over, so that’s all for today!



In Ordinary on January 7, 2011 at 8:24 pm
Gump with President John F. Kennedy. A variety...

Image via Wikipedia

Dear Diary,

Spent the day cooking and lceaning.

I also tested out my theory that the pasteurized cheese I pickeed up yesterday might work in the Younkers Rarebit Sauce. To the best of my memory, it does indeed come close to the taste I remember. I posted a note about this in the Younkers Rarebit post on my food blog.

Watching Forrest Gump. I never get tired of this movie. We caught a commercial about Motown music, and Miya laughed at some of the 60s singers… (the Temptations). I guess those pink polyester suits do look kind of funny in this day and age.

Oh and a little Girl Scout came to my door, selling cookies! She was soo cute!

I bought six boxes.