
Posts Tagged ‘Tom Hanks’


In Ordinary on January 7, 2011 at 8:24 pm
Gump with President John F. Kennedy. A variety...

Image via Wikipedia

Dear Diary,

Spent the day cooking and lceaning.

I also tested out my theory that the pasteurized cheese I pickeed up yesterday might work in the Younkers Rarebit Sauce. To the best of my memory, it does indeed come close to the taste I remember. I posted a note about this in the Younkers Rarebit post on my food blog.

Watching Forrest Gump. I never get tired of this movie. We caught a commercial about Motown music, and Miya laughed at some of the 60s singers… (the Temptations). I guess those pink polyester suits do look kind of funny in this day and age.

Oh and a little Girl Scout came to my door, selling cookies! She was soo cute!

I bought six boxes.